Saturday, March 17, 2007

Editors' note

This title was chosen because one of the first things that amused us, being here in Sydney, was how Manny would point out at something new and say, 'Look at tha-at!' in a very signature way. Later, between Ling and I, we would repeat that phrase (Manny style) to point out to each other the antics of the children (dancing, talking, giggling, laughing or doing something silly and sweet by themselves) or all the things we appreciate about being here (local food, things to buy, breathtaking views, rolling hills, grazing cows, lazy kangaroos, endless stretches of vineyards).

Here we'll like to share some of our 'look at thats' with you.


(scroll down for updates)
Two new updates! Visit to Featherdale Wildlife Park on 6 March, and Blue Mountain Day on 7 March.