Saturday, March 10, 2007

Glorious day at The Entrance beach

It's always easy to catch a great picture of this looker.

and erm...this catcher.

Needless to say, us of course.

Daddy Tang and tiniest Tang.

Mummy and Ethan look for catch.

Manny follows tracks in the sand.

Bernice with her sand portrait of Sharon.

The united wait for waves.

Then the runaways.

Meanwhile, Manny yells into a crab hole, "CRAB! CRAB!"

"Look, this crab is almost dead."

Manny basks in the sun.

"Bernice and Sharon are here."

"This is Bernice's foot print." (Note arrows)

Cookie break.

Crowd behind us awaits a country music concert by the beach (note cowboy hats).

Day ended with a hearty Mexican fare, that is, until dessert, when coffee arrived accompanied by a cockroach.

He's been my regular dining partner.

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