Monday, March 12, 2007

Monday blues

Sharon and I walked the kids to school this morning. Weather was breezy and lovely, roughly 20 degree celcius. The kids were skipping, running and chatting along the way.

Ethan looking spiffy as usual in his school uniform.

As we stepped through the school gates, Sharon asked Ethan if he was happy to be in school.

Ethan: I don't like school.
Sharon: Why don't you like school? You have many friends here and there are many fun things to do, right?
Ethan: Hmmm.... (not convinced and a little moody)

At assembly, Sharon and I found out that the kids were doing a mass dance right in the school compound. Despite obvious hints by teachers that we should leave ("Parents, please go upstairs for the parent-teacher meeting", "Children, say goodbye to your visitors."), as die-hard groupies, we pretended not to understand. Again, we stuck out like sore thumbs (we were kicking ourselves for forgetting to wear the Excelsior pullovers we'd bought). Didn't help that we were also snapping pictures.

Below are photos of Ethan doing the Hoki Poki.

Sharon was watching Ethan very closely as she has been worried about him enjoying school. When she saw how Ethan was not getting as much attention, she almost drove me crazy with her questions,
"Why is Ethan alone?"
"Why does he look so sad?"
"Where's his dancing partner???"
"He has no partner!!!"
"Why isn't his teacher doing anything?"
"My heart hurts! Look, he has no dancing partner! Where's his partner???"
"How, how, should we tell the teacher?"
" Why is he being overlooked?"
"Why wasn't he given the worksheet?"
"Why was he marginalised?"
"Why is the Chinese girl trying to hold his hand again?!"

Monday mornings have never been more stressful.

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