Tuesday, March 6, 2007

School kids' groupies

Being lecturers, Ling and I always set objectives and outcomes for about everything we do. Our objectives for this trip include (in this order):

1. Spending time with the children.
2. Enjoying Sydney at our own pace.
3. Reading and writing over good latte.

So, we were immensely thrilled this morning when Emmet and JY gave us free reign to send the two older kids to school. Needless to say, we wanted photos along the way. Gamely, the kids humoured us by posing with their smiles and grins.

We made them stop for photos...

Outside, along the school.

At the school gate.

And snapped pictures secretly at the school compound (we didn't want other kids to think the kids had such odd relations: already kids are rather socially awkward). Sharon tries to fit in too, but stands out like an overly-protective adult.

Here, Sharon tries to counsel Ethan who is upset with a girl who was holding his hand the day before (he gets harrassed like this even in Singapore).

“I don’t like school. There was a girl who held my hand too tightly for the whole day.” (Ethan)
“Did you tell her not to hold your hand too tightly?” (Sharon)
“I did but she still held it tightly.” (Ethan)
“Is she an Australian or Asian?” (Sharon)
“She is a Chinese like me.” (Ethan)

The most handsome boy in his class takes off his hat. Sigh, we're such hopeless groupies.

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